Thursday, September 07, 2006

Lessons learned... again

I find it rather funny that sometimes relearning a thing can be harder than learning it in the first place. The knowledge of what you had learned is all there in your head but somehow you lost it and its meaning. You don't realize that you need to dig it up because it's almost good enough to know that it is in you somewhere, but when this knowledge gets lost, you end up struggling with old issues. Confusion sets in. You refuse to acknowledge it for what it is because you already feel you have the answer. You do have the answer. You just can't feel or believe it. Then one day you read something, or hear someone, or just wake up and your eyes are opened. You remember.

Friday, June 16, 2006

An unexpected sunrise

"...may they who love you be like the sun when it rises in its strength."

I saw the sunrise in my rearview mirror as I drove home this morning . It was beautiful. There were brilliant shades of blue and yellow, and then ever so slowly some red crept in. I have always loved sunrises. I prefer them over sunsets. I think it is because I see them so rarely, and when I do, it is usually because I've made an effort to do so. There also seems to be something about a sunrise that is just so filled with hope. The day is breaking bright and fresh... and with a splendor that few will see, yet it is there all the same. It's a glorious thing. I wish I made the effort to see more of them... and that I could get my friends to come along. I think I need more sunrises in my life, more hope as I face each day. I need to find something real to look forward to. Beyond the immediate I have no idea of what will bring me joy or how I can best use my talents. I need more sunrises.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

My moralistic youth

Okay, so I couldn't resist putting up this other piece of literature from my youth. I only have the last bit of the story so our reference points are missing, but I still think the main idea can be understood. I am pretty sure that this is how most of my stories were when I was a child. Unless I'm mistaken, I always wrote about trying to be happy with what God gives you. I guess I was trying to reassure myself that it was okay to be short through my writing. It's a pretty crazy story, and I think I was younger when I wrote this than I was when I wrote the spinach horror... hold on to your hats! (I'm going to type it with all the same grammatical errors... because they are rather funny)

Yea hey! maybe we can talk to the lord. I've heard about asking him into your heart and praying, so they looked up in the bible prayer and this is what they prayed (our father who art in heven howlled be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done as earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our tresspassing and lead us not in to temptation but deliver us from evil for thyne is the kingdom, the power the glory forever amen) and the monkey said his own prayer (dear God please come in to my heart and let me and eagle change bodies amen) and when they opened their eyes they didn't change heads but eagle got a tail and monkey got wings. and they praised the lord. They did this for years then one day; monkey said I'm getting tired of this. So am I said the eagle so lets pray again so they did and said (dear God please change us to be who we we really are not someone else amen
the end
-> turn over->
(this was on the original yellow paper)
if your small and people tease you or blind or look funny weird don't try to be someone else insted, be what God made you if God wanted you to be tall you would and if he wanted you to see you would if he wanted you to be weird looking you would be don't try to be someone else when your you.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Ah... Childhood

I just love finding happy things from my youth:

The Spinach Horror

I could smell the spinach in the air.
I told my mom that it wasn't fair.
She said right back
To have a snack.
I started to itch
When she said it was spinach.
I put it up to my lips and it started to burn.
I said to myself it looked like a fern.
It tasted like rotten eggs,
and smelled like dirty legs.
I could hear my sister eating.
I could tell my heart was beating.
I could see the tomatoes on the top shelf- good as can be.
I said to myself Yiperee.
I was near the top
When my mother and sister started to scoff.
She said if I could get all down I can get a pup.
An hour later I started to throw up.
I never ate spinach again


*One of the first poems I ever wrote... I didn't even like tomatoes.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Desert Places

Hosea 2: 14-15 "Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her. There I will give her back her vineyards and will make the valley of Achor* a door of hope. There she will sing as in the days of her youth." (*Achor=trouble)

This is what is written directly after it is explained how terribly broken their relationship has become. He knows he has been forgotten by her, that she has been trying to gratify her desires elsewhere, that she thinks her treasures have come from her lovers when all the time they had been supplied by him. He has responded by barring her way to her lovers and taking away the treasures she has accrued. He has been utterly rejected and yet decides that he is going to sweet-talk her back to him and restore her gifts. She will be allured to the desert. What is this? After she has cheated on him and he has taken everything from her, he will attract her to the desert! She will willingly go to this dry, arid place to be with a man she betrayed. Why?It seems absurd, yet I find that there can indeed be something very alluring about desert places. Oftentimes I've wondered how much I would benefit from finding myself in a solitary hole where my basic needs are met and I can focus solely on revealing truths about myself and my relationship with God. In fact, there are times when I find myself longing for that to really be a possibility. Yes, there is something to be said for desert places. They are places free from distraction, places to focus on the relationship with the one you love... to hear his tender words... to see the value of his gifts. In them we become aware of our thirst. Because we are in such an uncomfortable place, we realize how much we are supported by God. It is from these places full of troubles that we are able to see the hope that is just around the bend. That is when we remember the sacrifices made for us, when we acknowledge that all we have comes from him. The best part is that when we reconcile ourselves back to his truths, he welcomes us again with open arms and perfect love. Lucky for us he is a patient and forgiving God.

Irritating mishaps

So last night after I got home from Bible study, I decided to post my thoughts on some of the things we had talked about. Unfortunately, just as I finished typing, my computer froze and I lost it all. I am still going to post my reflections, but it is so irritating when I know that I had worded everything better the first time.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Ou est le Poisson D'Avril?

"Bonjour! Je m'appelle D'Avril...
Poisson D'Avril!"

April Fools' Day Origin-

There are several explanations for the origin of April Fools' Day, but here is the most plausible one. April 1st was once New Year's Day in France. In 1582, Pope Gregory declared the adoption of his Gregorian calendar to replace the Julian calendar and New Year's Day was officially changed to January 1st. It took awhile for everyone in France to hear the news of this major change and others obstinately refused to accept the new calendar, so a lot of people continued to celebrate New Year's Day on the first of April – earning them the name April fools. The April fools were subjected to ridicule and practical jokes and the tradition was born. The butts of these pranks were first called poisson d'avril or April fish because a young naive fish is easily caught. A common practice was to hook a paper fish on the back of someone as a joke. This evolved over time and a custom of prank-playing continues on the first day of April.

...Be prepared. I like old customs and paper fish sound fun to me!

Qui! Les enfants sentiront le poisson d'Avril aussi! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Monday, March 20, 2006

I'm not the only addict

Here is proof that I am not the only addict of the slogan generator:

Un petit chou: I keep changing my blog template. I just can't get it quite right
Night Sky 0cean: i liked your post, i read it to ruth
Night Sky 0cean: i laughed
Un petit chou: wait you like unzip a sarah the best? how weird you are
Night Sky 0cean: no
Night Sky 0cean: 1
Night Sky 0cean: and 4 made me laugh
Night Sky 0cean: because it was sooo random and sooo easily wrong
Un petit chou: yeah I'll say
Un petit chou: did you try it with your own name?

Night Sky 0cean: no, i should
Un petit chou: what is your slogan?
Night Sky 0cean: it isn't working
Un petit chou: let me try again
Night Sky 0cean: ok... doing it..
Night Sky 0cean: my anti-drug is hannah
Un petit chou: right on
Night Sky 0cean: i am not gonna pay a lot for this hannah
Night Sky 0cean: :-(
Un petit chou: ha ha hah
Un petit chou: I will

Night Sky 0cean: tonight, let it be hannah
Night Sky 0cean: just one hannah - give it to me
Un petit chou: see how easy it is to watch them pop up over and over?
Night Sky 0cean: lol
Night Sky 0cean: hannah makes everything better
Un petit chou: ooh how nice
Un petit chou: i love that you make everything better

Night Sky 0cean: hahahaha
Night Sky 0cean: hands that do dishes can be soft as your hannah
Un petit chou: lol
Night Sky 0cean: double the pleasure, double the hannah
Night Sky 0cean: ok
Night Sky 0cean: this IS ADDICTING
Un petit chou: you must STOP
Night Sky 0cean: and sooo wrong
Night Sky 0cean: at least no one wants to unzip me yet
Un petit chou: but sooo funny
Night Sky 0cean: hannah-lickin' good
Night Sky 0cean: i can't believe i ate the whole hannah
Un petit chou: ooh that's a little intimate
Un petit chou: ooh my they want to eat me too
Night Sky 0cean: we must be yummy
Un petit chou: indeed
Night Sky 0cean: AHHHH
Night Sky 0cean: how many licks does it take to get to the center of a hannah
Un petit chou: now that's just a little too personal for me
Night Sky 0cean: it is
Night Sky 0cean: he who thinks hannah drinks hannah
Night Sky 0cean: oh sarah, what have you started me on
Un petit chou: not till you’re married!!!!
Night Sky 0cean: you'll look a little lovelier each day with a fabulous pink hannah
Un petit chou: who wouldn't
Night Sky 0cean: HAHA -- this one is hilarious
Night Sky 0cean: washing machines live longer with hannah
Un petit chou: lol.
Night Sky 0cean: "i wish i were a hannah-weiner"
Un petit chou: he he he
Night Sky 0cean: chris is on there now....
Night Sky 0cean: Marvin the Mountie Always Gets His Piecuch.
Un petit chou: ha hahaha
Night Sky 0cean: and he is going away with it
Night Sky 0cean: i like this one better than the licking ones
Night Sky 0cean: nobody better lay a finger on my hannah
Un petit chou: indeed they better not
Night Sky 0cean: ok
Night Sky 0cean: wow
Night Sky 0cean: i should sleep
Night Sky 0cean: hahhaa

Now I want to see many slogans in the comments section... so plug your name in, pick your favorite and post it. So much fun!

Post number one

Every once in a while I find myself at a website that just fascinates me way more than it should. I was sent to this one by a friend through an email:
It takes your name and puts it into a common advertising slogan...really rather funny and slightly disturbing. I am afraid to really think about how many slogans I've seen my name in now, but it helped me decide upon my blog title, and since I was at a loss with that I am thankful for the site. Anyway, I thought I would share the joy of the last ten slogans it threw at me:

10. Step into a Sarah. (I don't really know if I like this idea... wouldn't I have to be dead and cut open first?)
9. You've got questions, we've got Sarah. (what I want to know is if they are bragging or adding to the dilemma of the questions)
8. Do you eat the Sarah last? (although I agree with saving the best for last, I once again must state that I would rather not be dead and on your plate)
7. Go crack a Sarah. (please don't. I once got hit in the head with a rock and it hurt and bled. I don't want to know how a coconut feels)
6. Watch out... there's a Sarah about. (what else is there to say? You better be on your toes)
5. Nothing acts faster than a Sarah. (ahahahaha! If that's true, we're all doomed!)
4. Unzip a Sarah. ( yikes! please don't. I'm not up for any embarassment at present)
3. Kills all known Sarah - DEAD! (AHH! Noooooooo! Help! Quick! Oh no, that blasted #5 is in the way!)
2. You too can have a Sarah like mine. (only if you are really, really lucky)
1. Make fun of Sarah. (Truly! This is probably the fastest way to become one of my good friends... as long as the fun isn't full of malice. I really do feel more comfortable around people once I know they are comfortable enough around me to make fun of me. So... on with the jokes!)