Friday, May 26, 2006

Ah... Childhood

I just love finding happy things from my youth:

The Spinach Horror

I could smell the spinach in the air.
I told my mom that it wasn't fair.
She said right back
To have a snack.
I started to itch
When she said it was spinach.
I put it up to my lips and it started to burn.
I said to myself it looked like a fern.
It tasted like rotten eggs,
and smelled like dirty legs.
I could hear my sister eating.
I could tell my heart was beating.
I could see the tomatoes on the top shelf- good as can be.
I said to myself Yiperee.
I was near the top
When my mother and sister started to scoff.
She said if I could get all down I can get a pup.
An hour later I started to throw up.
I never ate spinach again


*One of the first poems I ever wrote... I didn't even like tomatoes.


Anonymous said...

awww...i love spinach!!! seriously! :) yay, you wrote again :)
love you!!!

heidi said...

nice to finally see you wrote again. Bryce will find this very amusing.

h. e. c. said...

sarah sharp i am glad you are on the inside as well. no need for inaugeration dinners for you - although you DO get to be an honored guest.

chris said...
