Yea hey! maybe we can talk to the lord. I've heard about asking him into your heart and praying, so they looked up in the bible prayer and this is what they prayed (our father who art in heven howlled be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done as earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our tresspassing and lead us not in to temptation but deliver us from evil for thyne is the kingdom, the power the glory forever amen) and the monkey said his own prayer (dear God please come in to my heart and let me and eagle change bodies amen) and when they opened their eyes they didn't change heads but eagle got a tail and monkey got wings. and they praised the lord. They did this for years then one day; monkey said I'm getting tired of this. So am I said the eagle so lets pray again so they did and said (dear God please change us to be who we we really are not someone else amen
the end
-> turn over->
(this was on the original yellow paper)
if your small and people tease you or blind or look funny weird don't try to be someone else insted, be what God made you if God wanted you to be tall you would and if he wanted you to see you would if he wanted you to be weird looking you would be don't try to be someone else when your you.
I love that have such tangelable pieces from your childhood. I envy that at such a tender age you were already a child of God.
fabulous. :-D
sarah all i can imagine is a little you writing this. so cute, so amazing.
brilliant! my favorite word is howlled.
Yeah... imagine the intensity of howlling God's name. Personally, I like that I try to make the people who look "funny weird" feel better about it by saying it's what God wants for them.
that is so cute yet so sad at the same time. i always thought that you were to cute when you were little and that being smaller suited you just fine. i got the shortness gene with you. lol! that a was really cute story.
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