"...may they who love you be like the sun when it rises in its strength."
I saw the sunrise in my rearview mirror as I drove home this morning . It was beautiful. There were brilliant shades of blue and yellow, and then ever so slowly some red crept in. I have always loved sunrises. I prefer them over sunsets. I think it is because I see them so rarely, and when I do, it is usually because I've made an effort to do so. There also seems to be something about a sunrise that is just so filled with hope. The day is breaking bright and fresh... and with a splendor that few will see, yet it is there all the same. It's a glorious thing. I wish I made the effort to see more of them... and that I could get my friends to come along. I think I need more sunrises in my life, more hope as I face each day. I need to find something real to look forward to. Beyond the immediate I have no idea of what will bring me joy or how I can best use my talents. I need more sunrises.
sunrise meeting next wednesday??? :-P i mean, seriously...
we totally need to go catch an ocean sunrise.
i need more sunrises too. i agree with you about them... they are more special than sunsets.. to know that not everyone sees them regularly like people see sunsets makes them feel more intimate somehow...
chris and i just planned a sunrise for us all.
that was an amazing sunrise...
awesome that you wrote "stoked"!!! right-on!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P
dear sarah.
it is time for you to post.
love you,
oh yes it is time for you to post! hannah is right! (as so often...)
(so? when will you write again??? It's Time for a Sharp Sarah!!!)
dear sarah,
in concurrence with everyone else, post something.
your friend,
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