"...may they who love you be like the sun when it rises in its strength."
I saw the sunrise in my rearview mirror as I drove home this morning . It was beautiful. There were brilliant shades of blue and yellow, and then ever so slowly some red crept in. I have always loved sunrises. I prefer them over sunsets. I think it is because I see them so rarely, and when I do, it is usually because I've made an effort to do so. There also seems to be something about a sunrise that is just so filled with hope. The day is breaking bright and fresh... and with a splendor that few will see, yet it is there all the same. It's a glorious thing. I wish I made the effort to see more of them... and that I could get my friends to come along. I think I need more sunrises in my life, more hope as I face each day. I need to find something real to look forward to. Beyond the immediate I have no idea of what will bring me joy or how I can best use my talents. I need more sunrises.